
Rolls-Royce Avon


Fern Engineering: Improving on the Rolls-Royce Avon

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Our uniquely engineered parts improve efficiency for owners and operators of the Rolls-Royce Avon powered CR Coberra, DR 160/200 and GEC-EAS packages.

There’s nobody that understands hot gas leakage from the Rolls-Royce Avon like we do at Fern Engineering. Our specialty hardware, including our uniquely engineered Exhaust Transition Duct, is specifically designed to outperform problematic OEM components and eliminate power-robbing hot gas leakage.

As the owner or operator of a Rolls-Royce Avon package, you are losing valuable power due to hot gas leakage if the original gas generator-to-power turbine transition duct is being utilized.  Replacement OEM parts will not correct the expensive underlying issues like our specialty hardware will.

We’ve been fitting our improved design into the Rolls-Royce Avon for almost 20 years and it’s truly a better fit. The Fern Engineering replacement duct eliminates the power robbing leakage that’s inherent in the OEM component design, as well as its constant repair cycle.

Leakage rates associated with acceptable rebuild clearances are sufficient to pay for a Fern Engineering replacement duct in less than 1 year.  In reality, payback time is much shorter because our component does not distort during operation.


The Fern Engineering Replacement Duct

  • Outperforms problematic OEM Design

  • Virtually eliminates power loss

  • Elimination of costly repairs

  • Cooler turbine enclosure

  • Reduces deterioration of turbine components

  • Improved personnel safety

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Over 125 Fern Ducts are installed worldwide with zero reported failures.